Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Snake Eyes (V3) Custom Action Figure Art from G.I. JOE

I'm a big fan of the character Snake-Eyes from G.I. JOE. While most people know him only as a mysterious badass ninja, the character as written by Larry Hama in the original Marvel comic books is more of an everyman who just happened to find himself in some extraordinary situations that transformed both his appearance and the direction of his life. But underneath it all, he wants the same things we all want; to be able walk in the sun holding the hand of the person we love.
In the comics, after many years and with some very special reconstructive surgery techniques, his hideously scarred face was reconstructed. Unfortunately, almost immediately after the surgery was complete, Snake-Eyes was captured by Cobra and while making his escape, his face was scarred once again.
He defeated his captors and stole their gear. Apparently he liked the gear enough to keep it as his uniform. And while his face was scarred once again, it was nowhere near its previous level of disfigurement so he even removed his mask from time to time.
This piece is inspired by that version of Snake-Eyes or Version 3 as he is called in the toys.
I wanted to capture the makeshift look of his gear, so I treated each part of his outfit a little differently to make it seem a little less uniform and more dirty and gritty.
Then I detailed the heck out of the gear including the snoopers and backpack weapons.
But the final piece is the repaired but re-scarred unmasked head. His hair had a little bit of a wave to it in the comics so I sculpted it that way and actually carved out the scars on his face before I painted them.

Hope you dig him. Until next time, I remain The Insidious One.


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